With this shipping option, you can configure shipping costs based on the amount per order.

IMPORTANT: It applies to all products in the cart that has this shipping zone assigned.


Let’s say you have PRODUCT A and PRODUCT B on your store. 

And let’s say that you have assigned ‘Per Order’ shipping zone to both of these products. 

In this case, the shipping costs will calculated for both products together based on the range that you have configured in the IES.


PRODUCT A costs $5 per item. 

PRODUCT B costs $10 per item.


RANGE 1: $0 - $10 - shipping costs = X 

RANGE 2: $11 - $30 - shipping costs =Y 

RANGE 3: $31 - $50 - shipping costs = Z

Let’s say that the customer decides to add to the cart: 

1 item of PRODUCT A = that’s $5 

2 items of PRODUCT B = that’s $20 

TOTAL in the cart: $25

This means that based on your configured RANGE, the shipping costs for this order will be Y (range 2).

IMPORTANT: if the costs of order exceeds the range that you have configured for this shipping zone, it will use the last configured range as a base for the shipping

*TIP - It's a good idea to choose a price point at which free shipping is available. Free shipping options are an excellent motivation to purchase so having one will likely increase your minimum order size. Add a free shipping option to get your customers excited about ordering more!

Now, let's get started!

STEP #1 - In IES click the “Shipping” tab in the main menu on the left to open the “My Shipping Classes” page.

From here click “Add Shipping Class” button to open “Add Shipping Class” window. 

STEP #2 - Next, in the “Name” field enter a memorable name for the shipping class you are creating, for example,  “Per Order Total”.

Click “Save and start adding Shipping Zones” to open the "New Zone Configuration" page. If you press “Save” button the new Shipping Class will be saved without any shipping zones defined.  

Click the "Add Zone" button on the right to open the "Add Zone Wizard".

STEP #3 - In the “New Zone Wizard” under the “General” tab enter a name to identify the shipping zone you are creating. To proceed to the “Areas” tab click “Next” or the tab name itself.

Example: Only USA shipping

STEP #4 - Under the “Areas” tab click the drop-down menu “Select Country” to select the country you would like the shipping option to apply to. 

For some countries like the United States, you can specify shipping for each state separately

or you can select “All States” if you would like for the option to apply to all states. 

STEP #5 - Under the “Shipping” tab in the “Shipping Cost Type” field, select “Custom based on the amount of order”. 

Now click “Add new Range” button to input the shipping rates for your ranges.

Define the order amount range that this shipping rule will apply to.

To add additional ranges click the “Add Range” button. You are able to add as many ranges as you’d like. Once finished click “Save Zone” button. 


You can now apply your configured shipping based on order total option to any of the products in your stores. To do that choose the created “Shipping Class” and “Shipping Zone” on the right of your product page.

NOTE- Now after you created this shipping class you can add multiple zones under the same class. To do so use "Clone Zone" option. 

Once you do that you will be able to select this class and apply any of the zones configured under that class to any products in your stores. 

You will only be able to apply multiple shipping zones if they were configured under the same shipping class. Take a look at the following guide for steps on cloning zones. 

Cloning Zones

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