Users can upload a .CSV file containing product information and data to streamline the product import process. Users can either create this .CSV spreadsheet file themselves or, if possible, they can download it from a product source or a product provider. Within the Add Products action icon on the Products Dashboard, you will now find two options: Add Product Manually and Import from .CSV file.  

Please find a list of applicable data that might be necessary for the .CSV file below the video tutorial.

The concept is similar to how we currently import reviews by .CSV file. Users will follow the same import wizard logic by uploading their file and matching the appropriate fields with the corresponding data necessary. Once completed, a report is presented to the user when ready displaying what was imported successfully and unsuccessfully. 

Checkout the video below to get a full understanding on how Importing Products by .CSV file works:

The product page details that you might want to capture are: 

-product name*
-product title
-regular price
-current price*
-short product description
-main product description
-extra description
-main product image URL

-additional product image URL

-product source URL

-product source price
-Google category

*required to match to be able to proceed with importation

*please note, if you have more than one additional product image URL, please include them all in the same row for 'additional product image' and separate each link with the | symbol (uppercase of the backslash key) 

Additionally, please find a sample .CSV file for formatting reference at the very bottom of this article. 

Please contact our customer support at or by simply clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen if you have any questions or issues