Allows you to edit the components and elements of an uploaded template within the HTML code. Choosing to edit the code from the inline editor page guides you to the appropriate location by highlighting a portion of text or element(s) within the code.

If you would like to use this approach, but have not found or uploaded a template yet, please check out the template section here to learn more about it. 

Please note, if you are using the Page Designer to build the structure and layout of your page, please do not access the code editor until you are GOOD and happy with the layout and structure. You can ALWAYS access the inline editor to make updates to the text, content, images, etc. -- but once you access the code editor if using the page designer, you will not be able to go back into the page designer to add or arrange any of the design blocks. 

Check out the video below to see a demonstration of the Code Editor: 

1. Unlock the code editor for the page you wish to edit the HTML code for 

2. Locate the text or element that you wish to edit and then update it and Save 

3. Preview your page to see the changes in the code reflected on the front end of your page 

Please contact our customer support at or by simply clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen if you have any questions or issues