Paystack payment integrations allows businesses in Africa accept payments by anyone, anywhere in the world via credit card, debit card, money transfer, and mobile money on their websites or mobile apps.

Here are the steps to integrate Paystack into your store builder:

STEP 1: Please create your Paystack account if you have not already and/or login and have it open in another browser

STEP 2: From your store builder, locate the INTEGRATIONS tile or left nav menu option  


STEP 4: In MERCHANTS, select the teal + icon to add an additional payment merchant 


STEP 5: In MERCHANTS, select the new option PAYSTACK from the dropdown 

STEP 6: Provide an internal name, the secret key and publishable key (both can be found in your Paystack account, please see next step) and choose your default currency 

STEP 7: From your Paystack Account, locate SETTINGS in the left navigation menu 

STEP 8: Once in the Paystack settings, locate the API Keys & Webhooks tab. Copy the Secret Key and paste appropriately into your store builder Paystack integration field ('Secret Key' field as shown in step 6) and do the same for the Public Key ('Publishable Key' field as shown in step 6)

STEP 9: Select SAVE on the pop up and now you should have integrated with Paystack as a payment merchant! 

Please contact our customer support at or by simply clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen if you have any questions or issues