In this article, we'll help you connect your custom domains to any of your DashNex property subdomains from your website builder and/or store builder right from the DashNex DNC dashboard.

Before you are able to begin the necessary steps, you'll want to make sure you have:

  • purchased a custom domain from a 3rd party domain provider, a couple of sources we recommend are:
  • created a CloudFlare account 
    • we recommend and use CloudFlare because it provides 2 very important benefits:
      • SSL which is essential for your websites (SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and, in short, it's the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details.
      • MX records which are needed for custom domains 

Once you have purchased your custom domain and have created a CloudFlare account, you are ready to integrate with DashNex. 

STEP 1: From your DashNex home dashboard, please find the Domains menu item at the top of the page:

STEP 2: Click the Integrate with CloudFlare button 

STEP 3: You'll need to enter the email address associated with your CloudFlare account as well as the Global API Key that can be found within your CloudFlare account 

To locate the Global API Key, from your logged in CloudFlare account, find and click on My Profile

From My Profile, find and click on API Tokens, locate Global API Key and click View 

After re-entering your CloudFlare account password, the Global API key is displayed so you can copy it:

Paste your Global API key into the appropriate field back in DashNex:

STEP 4: Once you've entered the necessary information, you will successfully integrate your CloudFlare account with DashNex and can proceed 

STEP 5: Now that you are integrated, we can start to connect your purchased custom domain to your CloudFlare account right from the Dashnex dashboard and proceed with management, click Add domain 

STEP 6: Enter your purchased custom domain that you want to connect to a Dashnex subdomain property

STEP 7: Once the custom domain has been entered, you will receive some important Nameserver information that you will need to go and update appropriately in your 3rd party domain registrar platform

In your 3rd party domain registrar platform, the location and steps can vary per platform, but usually you can find the place to update the nameservers within: Domain Settings > Manage DNS > Change Nameservers 

Here is a GoDaddy help article and a Namecheap help article that describe the location and steps needed to update the nameservers appropriately.

STEP 8: After updating the nameservers appropriately in your 3rd party domain registrar, you can proceed and click Continue to be taken to the Domains Management dashboard. Here you will see that your newly added custom domain is awaiting validation. This can sometimes take up to 24-48 hours, so please be patient and check back often! 

STEP 9: Once the nameservers are validated, the status of your custom domain will change to available and the 'Assign Property' button will become active


STEP 10: You can click 'Assign Property' and a list of your created store builder and website properties will appear and you can also search for one of your subdomain properties. Once you find the subdomain property that you want to connect to your custom domain, click Confirm.

After clicking Confirm, you will receive some validation feedback to let you know all the verifications are successful and you can click Assign

Now your custom domain has been successfully assigned to your DashNex subdomain property!

You have actions available per domain to:

  • Manage DNS records/settings (the same exact way you would manage them from your CloudFlare account
  • Unassign the the custom domain
  • Re-verify (in case of error)
  • Delete (to remove it completely from your CloudFlare account)


FOR WEBSITE BUILDER WEBSITES, THERE IS ONE MORE STEP! (For Store Builder Websites no need to worry about this) 

Once you have assigned and connected a custom domain or custom subdomain to a website builder property, please go within that specific website > website settings > custom domain tab 

Once in website settings, find the custom domain tab and locate the Home Page dropdown

From the dropdown, select the page (that has been created within the specific website you are in) and select it as HOME PAGE:

Now that your home page is set, you are good to go and will no longer be redirected to

Please contact our customer support at or by simply clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of the screen if you have any questions or issues